Anxiety is a disability, how it’s an unfortunate family thing for my family

Anxiety is a serious thing; I don’t think people understand how serious it is. The bad thing about it is that anybody can get bad. Anybody can be affected by it.

Along with having problems with having a congenital disability, I also have to deal with a lifelong family disorder, anxiety. I don’t know how to explain it. Anxiety is like pent-up frustration; you can feel it there but can’t let it out.

This also coincides with mental health. On my mom’s side, everybody has it, from my aunts to my uncles, my grandma, and even my mom.

From my experience, it affects not only the person experiencing it but also the people around them.

It can be mentally crippling.

You can tell yourself and others you’ll do this and that, yet never follow through.

You can hold grudges against people who never did anything to you.

You can also get depressed easily. One day, you will feel good. The next day, you feel completely numb inside and feel very alone.

Anxiety and depression is a disability because it affects everything as far as getting a job keeping a job doing something fun doing something fun consistently starting a project, and finishing the project; it just is not a good feeling, and I don’t even know why it happens it just does, and it sucks.

The one thing I can remember as a child when I did feel down was having to talk to somebody. When I say talk to somebody, I mean going to counseling and talking to a counselor or psychologist. I know that helps me very much so I can think clearly, and My overall mental health is way better than it used to be.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had counseling. I don’t know why I haven’t done any counseling because I seem to do better when I do have counseling; I feel like I should consider it.

I find it very helpful, at least to me, is just take a day to myself. No one around, just taking a day to watch TV, play games on my phone or Xbox, and not think about anything but relaxation and making sure my mind is clear. Believe it or not, if you are heavy set like I am, drinking water helps as well, making sure your body, as well as your body, can be essential to having good mental health.

If you are reading this and you are feeling hopeless, then don’t hesitate to get help in any way you can. Always remember to do what makes you happy. As long as you’re not hurting anybody else, then as the saying goes, do you and forget the rest.