Hey, stop asking me if I’m okay, I’m in a wheelchair so what

As a person that uses a wheelchair, I get different reactions than a person that isn’t in a wheelchair.

There are times when I’ll be driving around in my wheelchair in the area where I live and I’ll have random people stop me just to see if I’m alright.

This post is to educate stupid people about when and when not to approach a person in a wheelchair if they are alright.

If you see somebody in a wheel just riding along a driveway not stopping and moving or even riding down the sidewalk that usually means there trying to get to their destination. Now, this doesn’t mean that a person is lost or can’t find their way. Don’t ask someone if they’re okay if they aren’t slumped over in their wheelchair passed out. People with disabilities are not to have pity. If a person doesn’t ask for help simply don’t help them.

Let’s talk about when it’s okay to approach somebody who is in a wheelchair.

If you see someone who is in the middle of the sidewalk then yes approach them, first ask if they’re lost. What I hate the most as a person with a disability is when people ask me if I’m okay, don’t ask me if I’m okay especially if I’m not shot or I don’t have blood coming out of my body.

People don’t like to be patronized so why do people patronize people with disabilities it’s one thing I will never comprehend.

Another short thing is don’t call me buddy I don’t like to be called buddy by a person who doesn’t know me and who has no good intentions.

I’m writing this because I took the public bus for the first time and had a few people ask me if I was okay which in some circumstances it was but in other circumstances, it wasn’t I have to say it they’re just stupid people with disabilities are not to be pitied no matter what stopping the disabled. Life is hard as it is.