Last Friday’s explosion of George Santos proves that nothing will ever get done in Washington

What is it with people in politics? Why is it that these wild people keep getting elected time after in and time out?

Right now, the people elected to help and serve people are not doing so on both sides.

When President Joe Biden was elected, the majority of the Senate and the House of Representatives were Democratic, yet nothing got done

When Donald Trump was elected, despite having the majority of Republicans in the Senate and the House of Representatives they couldn’t get anything done.

What is wrong with this country that people see these weirdos running and winning elections?

George Santos was the last weirdo to be elected into Washington and now is expelled from Washington.

Santos needed to go, but you could say that about a handful of people who serve in Washington.

Having someone like George Santos elected proves nothing significant will ever get done.

What does this have to do with people with disabilities? Well, everything.

There are a lot of essential topics that need to be addressed but will never get addressed because the people who get elected by the people will never help the average citizen, let alone people with disabilities.

Most elected people want camera time, push their beliefs on people, or want to become president of the United States of America.

People think the Affordable Care Act helped solve everything, but it did not.

We have a big problem in this country because nobody cares about the issues for people with disabilities; the people who do care don’t help much, at least for high-functioning people.

What pisses me off is that people that are caring feel too bad to help people with disabilities because they have pity on people with disabilities, which isn’t right. Still, it’s part of Being Human, unfortunately.

What is the future for people with disabilities? Will there ever be a group of people who have innovative ideas that will improve the lives of people with disabilities?

It’s better than it was before, but why not make it better?