Do I deserve a supermodel girlfriend, as a person with a disability?

When I was a little boy I was a big flirt cutely. I would go up to girls and start talking to them like it was nothing.

As I got older my confidence got worst. I can’t lie, I’m not the smoothest guy in the world when it comes to girls. Straight up. I can not flirt. As I’m 41 years old single, and have a bachelor pad I often wonder, am I destined to get a pretty woman or do I have to settle?

Is it in the cards for me or am I dreaming?

I see a lot of beautiful women in the summertime and I can’t help but think will I someday Get Lucky will I ever get a girlfriend or maybe just a one night stand?

I actually wouldn’t mind a one-night stand. And yes I am talking about sex can be a different difficult subject for people but it’s not for me I haven’t found anybody that I could call my girlfriend or that I just call a hookup a booty call if you will you know something like that.

That may seem kind of classless, which I don’t mean to be, however, sex is a part of life. We all are on this earth because of sex.

I’m not saying I want to have orgies all the time, I’m just saying it sure would be nice to call, hang out, or the other thing I was talking about.

Now saying that, do I need somebody? No. Am I lonely? No.

It’s not my top priority to have a significant other or a friend with benefits. However, before my time is up on earth I wouldn’t mind at least one interaction with women.